Thursday, April 26, 2007

Personal Adornment

My parents always always told me to dress nice. You never know when you’re going to meet your next boss or when you’ll need to make an impression. I think that core belief helped me establish my values on how I dress and adorn myself. I’m a humble person, so I wear simple clothes. Polo shirts, khaki pants or jeans are about as wild as I get. Earrings or piercings? Nah… My parents hate them on guys. I personally don’t mind them; I think a lot of guys can pull off the look these days because it says a lot about their character. For myself, on the other hand though, I’ll pass. I have a very utilitarian personality, so if the article of clothing or jewelry does not serve a purpose I’m not inclined to wear it. Don’t get me wrong, I feel I am just as unique as the next guy, but I express it other ways than jewelry or clothing.

I didn’t always dress nice though, I went from Lacoste shirts as a youngster to wearing baggy shorts and big t-shirts as an early teenager. I’m pretty sure my values changed during that time period, as I was more concerned with what people thought of me and how well they would accept me if I mirrored the image they made themselves. I think it was a bad thing because my values became so clouded I had no idea who I was. Of course, as I made my way through high school and witnessed the divergence of lifestyles once again I started to find my own beliefs and values.

I come from a very conservative family and I believe that is where I feel my values began to emerge. My dad wears a suit and tie to work every day, reflecting his values of image and professionalism. It definitely has made an impression on me.

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